Wednesday 28 October 2015

Task 1:

Take dictation from 3:45 - 4:07, listen to this part once more, and then check it with a partner.

Task 2:

Fill in the transcript below.
I mean there's a ...commitment involved...: Time spent serving ...your...  clients, time spent ...billing..., ...Time...  spent doing the you have to do.... That's today's ...revenue... I'm ...not... here to tell you that’s... not important. It is …important.... That's how ...we get paid.... We got to do a ...great job for the clients... we already have.
But building a of professional ... contacts who can and will ...refer your business....--that's your ...investment...for ...tomorrow...!

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Workplace English: Monday's assignment

Workplace English: Monday's assignment: What are Power Statements? When presenting your  skills  to others, use concise statements that briefly describe the value you can bring ...

What are Power Statements?
When presenting
your skills to
others, use concise statements that briefly describe the value you can bring to
the organization. Highlight a strength you have, and show how you have used
that strength to achieve results. This kind of statement is referred to as a
Power Statement.
Task 1:
List 10 or more of
your achievements/ accomplishments in your personal life and on your
professional level.
Task 2:
Pick out what is
relevant from the above list, and write five to six sentences as your power
statement that you will use on your job interviews or resume.

Worked at the high school for 18 years. Mentored more than 800 students to like and study mathematics. Created students’ imagination. Motivated them to study with self-control. Helped over 80% of the students to get their goals. Developed the school’s frame at the meanwhile.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Workplace English: Thursday's assignment -- updated

Workplace English: Thursday's assignment -- updated: Let’s work on our writing! Don’t worry you have a lot of time—due date is on Monday 5 th . You will practice writing "a letter ...

Dear Editor,
I’ve read the article named
“Banning Trans Fats”.
I agree trans fats should be banned
because it brings a series of serious health issue. But I disagree with the
ways to do this.
The first reason I have is that
people or youth might not know the side effects of the trans fats. The second
reason is the labels are misleading.
I suggest educating the public and
children at schools about the disadvantages of using trans fats in food products.
I suggest listing everything on the
food labels.
Thank you.
Best regards,


Tuesday 6 October 2015

Workplace English: Thursday's assignment -- updated

Workplace English: Thursday's assignment -- updated: Let’s work on our writing! Don’t worry you have a lot of time—due date is on Monday 5 th . You will practice writing "a letter ...

Dear Editor,
I’ve read the article
named “Banning Trans Fats”.
I agree trans fats
should be banned because it brings a series of serious health issue. But I
disagree with the ways to do this.
The first reason I have
is that people or youth might not know the side effects of the trans fats. The
second reason is the labels are misleading.
I suggest educating the
public and children at schools about the disadvantages of using trans fats in
food products.
I suggest listing
everything on the food labels.
Thank you.
Best regards,


Workplace English: Thursday's assignment -- updated

Workplace English: Thursday's assignment -- updated: Let’s work on our writing! Don’t worry you have a lot of time—due date is on Monday 5 th . You will practice writing "a letter ...

1-   Banning Trans Fats

Dear Editor,
I’ve read the article named “Banning Trans Fats”.
I agree Trans Fats should be banned because it brings a series of serious health issue.
But I disagree with some kind of ways to do this.
The first reason I disagree because the public might not know the harmfulness of
Trans Fats.
The second reason I disagree because the juveniles might not know the harmfulness of
Trans Fats.
third reason I disagree because no any warning about the harmfulness of Trans
Fats from the labels.
suggest that let the public know the truth about the harmfulness of Trans Fats
through the social publicity is very important.
I suggest
that let the juveniles know truth about the harmfulness of Trans Fats through
the school education is very important.
I suggest
that the harmfulness of Trans Fats should be listed from the labels.
I hope
my suggestions can give you some idea to perfect it. Thank you.


Workplace English: Tuesday's assignment

Workplace English: Tuesday's assignment: Common Collocations Do, make, and take are used in combination with hundreds of words such as experiment (do an experiment), test (...

Task 1:

Which verb completes
the phrase? Fill in the table below by ticking the correct column.

Which verb completes the phrase? Fill in the table below by ticking the correct column.



1. a lot of noise

2. your homework


3. always _________ excuses


4. breakfast

5. lots of family photos


6. friends easily

7. nothing all the time

8. sugar in your coffee


9. supper


10. the bed

11. the cooking

12. the dishes

13. the ironing

14. the laundry


15. a lot of mistakes

16. the housework

Task 2:

Check your answers with your peers and then use at least five of these collocations to put them in sentences of your own.

1)    The students made a lot of noise after they finished the exam and handed in their exam papers.

2)    My friend took lots of family photos when they travelled Montreal.

3)    It’s common thing that a person usually make a lot of mistakes when he is learning a new language including me.

4)    I did the housework with my family last weekend.

5)    I make friends easily everywhere.

Monday 5 October 2015

Workplace English: Monday's assignment

Workplace English: Monday's assignment: Dealing with Culture Shock Task 1: Write two-three paragraphs to describe your experience with culture shock. Talk about the foll...

Task 1:

Write a two-three
paragraphs to describe your experience with culture shock. Talk about the
following areas:
Which stage do you
think yourself at?
Did you pass through
all the stages?
What did you do to
overcome your culture shock?
What kind of advice(s)
would you give to a family member or a friend to help him/her overcome culture

For me, similar to many immigrants in Canada, have
some culture shock more or less.I remembered a typical thing was I needed to
press the stop button to let the driver know I would get off the next bus stop when
I took the bus in Toronto. Otherwise, maybe I lost my way because the driver
didn’t stop the bus at the bus stop that I should.
Fortunately, my education background, especially
psychology, helps me to pass through all the stages. Maybe benefitting from my
former job career, I seldom complain the culture shock. I’m used to facing the
culture shock and learning the new culture. Then I overcame step by step.

If you want to overcome culture shock, the first
thing you’d better do is don’t nervous. Be relax! Just face to it and learn the
new culture from different ways. After you are familiar to the new one, you
overcome the culture shock naturally.

Workplace English: Monday's assignment

Workplace English: Monday's assignment: Dealing with Culture Shock Task 1: Write two-three paragraphs to describe your experience with culture shock. Talk about the foll...

Task 1:

Write a two-three
paragraphs to describe your experience with culture shock. Talk about the
following areas:
Which stage do you
think yourself at?
Did you pass through
all the stages?
What did you do to
overcome your culture shock?
What kind of advice(s)
would you give to a family member or a friend to help him/her overcome culture

For me, similar to many immigrants in Canada, have
some culture shock more or less.I remembered a typical thing was I needed to
press the stop button to let the driver know I would get off the next bus stop when
I took the bus in Toronto. Otherwise, maybe I lost my way because the driver
didn’t stop the bus at the bus stop that I should.
Fortunately, my education background, especially
psychology, helps me to pass through all the stages. Maybe benefitting from my
former job career, I seldom complain the culture shock. I’m used to facing the
culture shock and learning the new culture. Then I overcame step by step.

If you want to overcome culture shock, the first
thing you’d better do is don’t nervous. Be relax! Just face to it and learn the
new culture from different ways. After you are familiar to the new one, you
overcome the culture shock naturally.