Friday 6 November 2015

Workplace English: Job Interviews

Workplace English: Job Interviews: Job interviews are your chance to show what you have to offer to potential employers. It is important to prepare before each interview. T...

Task 1:

Listen to this mock job interview; list all the Dos and Don'ts which the interviewer has mentioned. Click here to listen to it.



Wear pant suit or skirt suit.

Don’t wear large jewellery, large colour.

Stand up and greet your interviewer.

Don’t wear too much make up.

Bring a copy of your resume.

Don’t wear too much perfume, or cologne.

Ask for your interviewer’s business card.

Don’t give a man handshake.

Turn off your cell phone.

Don’t tell the life story.

Give a firm handshake.

Don’t answer the questions illegal.

Task 2:

Search the internet to find the 10 most annoying gestures during a job interview.

1. Gum chewing
2. Avoiding eye contact
3. Playing with your pen
4. Checking your cellphone
5. Nail biting
6. Picking at, rubbing, or scratching any part of your body
7. Waving your hands while speaking
8. Tugging at your cuffs or at the hem of your skirt
9. Resting your chin in your hand

10. Smiling too much (or not smiling at all)

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